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Born 13 August 1964 at Goes, The Netherlands.
Nationality: Dutch.
Rogier de Kok has worked on the flora of South East Asia, Australia and the Pacific for many years. He has carried out extensive fieldwork in the region and worked on projects dealing with the use of dye plants for the production of traditional textiles and on reforestation projects. His main research is on the taxonomy and phylogeny of the woody Lamiaceae of Asia, Australian Legumes and Asian Lauraceae.
Botany CareerApril 2015-2023, working for several organisationsas a freelance botanist
2002-2015 - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, often in S.E.Asia.
1997 - Doctoral degree at the University of Oxford. Thesis: The biology and systematics of Oxera, Faradaya and Hosea (Labiatae).
1995 - Three month field work period in New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji, studying the pollination biology and collecting samples of Oxera and Faradaya for morphological and molecular (DNA and flavonoid) analysis.
1994 - Three month field work period in New Caledonia, studying the pollination biology and collecting samples of Oxera for morphological and molecular (DNA and flavonoid) analysis.
1994 - Start of D.Phil project: The Biology and Systematics of Oxera, Faradaya and Hosea (Labiatae), at the Department of Plant-Sciences in Oxford, under the supervision of Dr. D.J. Mabberley and Dr. A. Paton of Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
1993 - Graduation as Doctorandus in Biology at the Rijkuniversiteit, specialising in plant systematics.
1992-1993 - Six month fieldwork in Wanariset, East Kalimantan Indonesia as part of a project, studying the variability of bark and slash characters of some Dipterocarpaceae and Bombacaceae.
1992 - Field study of some Dutch heath vegetations, as part of a re-introduction program for Arnica montana, Gentiana pneumonanthe and Pedicularis sylvatica, at the Rijkuniversiteit of Groningen.
1991-1992 - Revision of the Dutch Macrolepiota (Agaricaceae, Fungi), at the Rijksherbarium, Leiden.
1987 - Start of Biology degree at the Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden.
Main Research Interests
The morphology, phylogeny and distribution of the species of the native Australian
genus Pultenaea (Fabaceae).
Other Interests
The systematics of the Labiatae and especially of species belonging to
the Clerondendreae. The systematics of the Dutch Macrolepiota
(Agaricaceae, Fungi). Historical biogeography of South-East Asia,
South-Pacific and Australia.
Source: pers.com. R. de Kok;
Portrait Photo: 2001, Fagg, M.
Data from 304 Australian specimens