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Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria |
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Compiled by Sara Maroske and Tom May, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne
This bibliography lists 110 publications for which Sophie C. Ducker is either the sole author or one of a number of authors.
It is arranged in chronological order within five parts which represent the main subject areas of her research: fungi, algae, seagrasses and pollination, horticulture, and the history of botany. Multiple entries within the same year across the bibliography are distinguished by a, b, c etc.
McLennan, E.I. & Ducker, S.C. (1951), The description and distribution of the species of Penicillium Link in some Victorian soils, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 64: 10-71.
McLennan, E.I. & Ducker, S.C. (1954a), The ecology of the soil fungi of an Australian heathland, Austral. J. Bot. 2: 220-245.
McLennan, E.I., Ducker, S.C. & Thrower, L.B. (1954b), New soil fungi from Australian heathland: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Spegazzinia, Austral. J. Bot. 3: 355-364.
McLennan, E.I. & Ducker, S.C. (1954c), Microfungal population of acid sandy podsols, Nature 174: 1060.
McLennan, E.I. & Ducker, S.C. (1957), The relative abundance of Mortierella Coemans spp. in acid heath soils, Austral. J. Bot. 5: 36-43.
Ducker, S.C. (1995a), Aseroë rubra - the stinking starfish fungus, Australas. Mycol. Newslett. 14: 47.
Ducker, S.C. (1997), Toadstool causes broken toe, Australas. Mycol. Newslett. 16: 39.
Ducker, S.C. (1958), A new species of Basicladia on Australian freshwater turtles, Hydrobiologia 10: 157-174.
Ducker, S.C. & Willoughby, L.G. (1964), Potassium tellurite as a bacteriostatic agent in isolating algae, Nature 202: 210.
Ducker, S.C. (1965a), The structure and reproduction of the green alga Chlorodesmis bulbosa, Phycologia 4: 149-162.
Ducker, S.C. , Williams, W.T. & Lance, G.N. (1965b), Numerical classification of the Pacific forms of Chlorodesmis (Chlorophyta), Austral. J. Bot. 13: 389-399.
Ducker, S.C. (1966a), An earlier name for the green alga Chlorodesmis bulbosa, Phycologia 5: 245-246.
Price, I.R. & Ducker, S.C. (1966b), The life history of the brown alga Splachnidium rugosum, Phycologia 5: 261-273.
Ducker, S.C. (1967a), The genus Chlorodesmis (Chlorophyta) in the Indo-Pacific region, Nova Hedwigia 13: 145-182.
Ducker, S.C. (1969a), Additions to the genus Chlorodesmis, Phycologia 8: 17-20.
Saenger, P., Rowan, K.S. & Ducker, S.C. (1968), The lipid-soluble pigments of the marine red alga, Lenormandia prolifera, Helgoländer Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. 18: 549-555.
Saenger, P., Rowan, K.S. & Ducker, S.C. (1969b), The water-soluble pigments of the red alga, Lenormandia prolifera, Phycologia 7: 59-64.
Clayton, M.N. & Ducker, S.C. (1970a), The life history of Punctaria latifolia Greville (Phaeophyta) in southern Australia, Austral. J. Bot. 18: 293-300.
Ducker, S.C. & King, R.J. (1970b), Marine algae of the Victorian coast, Victorian Year Book 84: 39-43.
King, R.J., Black, H.J. & Ducker, S.C. (1971a), Intertidal ecology of Port Phillip Bay with systematic list of plants and animals, Mem. Natl. Mus. Victoria 32: 93-128.
Saenger, P., Ducker, S.C. & Rowan, K.W. (1971b), Two species of Ceramiales from Australia and New Zealand, Phycologia 10: 105-111.
Saenger, P. & Ducker, S.C. (1971c), The morphology and development of Lenormandia prolifera (C.Ag.) J.Agardh (Amansieae, Rhodomelaceae), Austral. J. Bot. 19: 51-62.
Ducker, S.C. & Spencer, R.D. (1973a), Phytobenthos, in Environmental Study of Port Phillip Bay: Report on Phase One, pp. 154-165. Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, [Melbourne].
Canterford, G.S. & Ducker, S.C. (1973b), Analysis of heavy metals accumulation in biological materials, in Western Port Bay Environmental Study: Progress Report, pp. 116-118. Ministry for Conservation, Victoria.
Ducker, S.C. (1973c), Zoophytes, Austral. Mar. Sci. Bull. 44: 11. [Abstract.]
Canterford, G.S. & Ducker, S.C. (1974a), Western Port Bay Environmental Study: Heavy metal accumulation in biological materials, in Progress Report, pp. 53, 92-98. Ministry for Conservation, Victoria.
Ducker, S.C. (1974b), The coralline alga Metagoniolithon. VIIIth International Seaweed Symposium, Bangor, Anglesey, UK. [Abstract.]
Canterford, G.S. & Ducker, S.C. (1975), Heavy metal content of phytoplankton collected from Westernport Bay, in Westernport Bay Environmental Study 1973-1974, pp. 292-300, 441-445. Ministry for Conservation, Victoria.
Ducker, S.C. , Le Blanc, J.D. & Johansen, H.W. (1976a), An ephiphytic species of Jania (Corallinaceae: Rhodophyta) endemic to southern Australia, Contr. Herb. Austral. 17: 1-8.
Brown, V., Ducker, S.C. & Rowan, K.S. (1977a), The effect of ortho-phosphate concentration on the growth of articulated coralline algae (Rhodophyta), Phycologia 16: 125-131.
Ducker, S.C. , Brown, V.B. & Calder, D.M. (1977b), An Identification of the Aquatic Vegetation in the Gippsland Lakes. School of botany, University of Melbourne.
Calder, D.M., Brown, V.B. & Ducker, S.C. (1977c), The aquatic vegetation of the Gippsland Lakes in eastern Victoria, J. Phycol. Suppl. 13: 11.
Canterford, G.S. and Buchanan, A.S. & Ducker, S.C. (1978a), Accumulation of heavy metals by the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow, Austral. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 29: 613-23.
Ducker, S.C. (1979a), The genus Metagoniolithon Weber-van Bosse (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta), Austral. J. Bot. 27: 67-101.
Brown, V.B., Rowan, K.S. & Ducker, S.C. (1980a), The Effects of Sewage Effluent on the Macrophytes of Werribee, Port Phillip Bay. Victorian Publication No. 273. Environmental Studies Series. Ministry for Conservation, [Melbourne].
Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1984a), Epiphytism at the cellular level, with special reference to algal epiphytes, in H.F. Linskens and J. Heslop-Harrison (eds), Cellular Interactions, Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, New Series 17: 115-133. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Vandenhoek, C., Ducker, S.C. & Womersley, H.B.S. (1984b), Wittrockiella salina Chapman (Cladophorales, Chlorophyceae), a mat and ball forming alga, Phycologia 23: 39-46.
Ducker, S.C. (1987a), [Logo of the Third International Phycological Congress], Phycologia 26: 402-3.
Woelkerling, W.J. & Ducker, S.C. (1987b), Lesueuria minderiana gen. et sp. nov. (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) from southern and western Australia, Phycologia 26: 192-204.
Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1976b), Submarine pollination in sea-grasses, Nature 263: 705-706.
Knox, R.B. & Ducker, S.C. (1976c), Submarine pollination in seagrasses. Helobiae Newslett. 1: 25-26.
Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1976d), Studies on the family Cymodoceaceae. Helobiae Newslett. 1: 27-31.
Ducker, S.C. , Foord, N.J. & Knox, R.B. (1977d), Biology of Australian seagrasses: the genus Amphibolis C. Agardh (Cymodoceaceae), Austral. J. Bot. 25: 67-95.
Knox, R.B. & Ducker, S.C. (1977e), The submarine pollination in the sea nymph, Amphibolis antarctica, J. Phycology Supp. 13: 37.
Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1978b), Alleloparasitism between a seagrass and algae. Naturwissenschaften 65: 391-392.
Ducker, S.C. , Pettitt, J.M. & Knox, R.B. (1978c), Biology of Australian seagrasses: Pollen development and submarine pollination in Amphibolis antarctica and Thalassodendron ciliatum (Cymodoceaceae), Austral. J. Bot. 26: 265-285.
Pettitt, J.M., Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1978d), Amphibolis pollen has no exine, Helobiae Newslett. 2: 19-22.
Pettitt, J.M., McConchie, C.A., Ducker, S.C. . & Knox, R.B. (1980b), Unique adaptations for submarine pollination in seagrasses, Nature 286: 487-489.
Pettitt, J.M., Ducker, S.C. . & Knox, R.B. (1981a), Submarine pollination, Sci. Amer. 224 (3): 92-101.
Pettitt, J., Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1981b), Bestäubung unter Wasser, Spektrum Wiss. Mai: 112-121.
Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1982a), Epi-basiphyte relationships at the cellular level, First International Phycological Congress, St. Johns Newfoundland, Canada, August 1982. [Abstract.]
McConchie, C.A., Knox, R.B. & Ducker, S.C. (1982b), Ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the hydrophilous pollen of Lepilaena (Zannichelliaceae), Micron 13: 339-340.
McConchie, C.A., Knox, R.B., Ducker, S.C. & Pettitt, J.M. (1982c), Pollen wall structure and cytochemistry in the seagrass Amphibolis griffithii (Cymodoceaceae), Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 50: 729-732.
McConchie, C.A., Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1982d), Biology of Australian seagrasses: floral development and morphology in Amphibolis (Cymodoceaceae), Austral. J. Bot. 30: 251-264.
McConchie, C.A., Knox, R.B. & Ducker, S.C. (1982e), The unique pollen of the seagrass Posidonia australis, in D.L. Mulcahy & E. Ottaviano (eds), Pollen: Biology and Implications for Plant Breeding. Elsevier, Amsterdam. [Abstract.]
Pettitt, J.M., McConchie, C.A., Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1983a), Reproduction in seagrasses: pollination in Amphibolis antarctica, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B., Biol. Sci. 219: 119-135.
Pettitt, J.M., McConchie, C.A., Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1984c), Reproduction in seagrasses: pollen wall morphogenesis in Amphibolis antarctica and wall structure in filiform grains, Nordic J. Bot. 4: 199-216.
Knox, R.B. & Ducker, S.C. (1991a), The evolution of gametes - from motility to double fertilization, in S. Blackmore & S.H. Barnes (eds), Pollen and Spores, Patterns of Diversification, pp. 345-361. The Systematic Association Special Volume No. 44. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Ducker, S.C. (1967b), The Lilium plant. in R.M. Withers (ed.), Liliums in Australia, pp. 14-27. Australian Lilium Society, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1977f), Fasciation, Auckland Lily Soc. Bull. Dec.:16-17.
Ducker, S.C. (1972), Harvey, William Henry, in D. Pike (ed.), Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 4, 1851-90, pp. 357-58. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1977g), W. H. Harveys Australian Algae, Taxon 26: 166-68.
Ducker, S.C. (1977h), Milestones in Australian phycology, J. Phycol. Suppl. 13: 19. [Abstract.]
Ducker, S.C. (1979b), History of Australian phycology: the significance of early French exploration, Brunonia 2: 19-42.
Ducker, S.C. (1981c), A history of Australian marine phycology, in M.N. Clayton & R.J. King (eds), Marine Botany: an Australasian Perspective, pp. 1-14. Longman Cheshire, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1981d), Australian phycology: The German influence, in D.J. Carr & S.G.M. Carr (eds), People and Plants in Australia, pp. 116-138. Academic Press, Sydney.
Ducker, S.C. (1981e), Introduction, in S. Hannaford, Sea and River-side Rambles in Victoria. Facsimile of 1860 edition. Warrnambool Institute Press, Warrnambool, 146pp.
Ducker, S.C. (1981f), History of Australian phycology: early German collectors and botanists, in A. Wheeler & Price, J.H. (ed.), History in the Service of Systematics: papers from the conference to celebrate the centenary of the British Museum (Natural History) 13-16 April, 1981, pp. 43-51. Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, London.
Ducker, S.C. (1982f), Port Phillip Heads: A Phycological Saga, First International Phycological Congress, St Johns Newfoundland, Canada, August 1982. [Abstract.]
Ducker, S.C. (1982g), Edward Kynaston, A man on edge; a life of Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller, J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 10: 531-533. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1982h), The Australian history of Acacia Miller and its pollen, in E.G. Williams, R.B. Knox, J.H. Gilbert & P. Bernhardt (eds), Pollination 82: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Plant Cell Biology Research Centre, School of Botany, University of Melbourne, pp. 74-83. School of Botany, University of Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1983b), Port Phillip Heads: a phycological saga, Phycologia 22: 431-443.
Ducker, S.C. (1984d), An Austrian gentleman gardener in the Swan River Colony, Austral. Gard. J. 3: 94-96.
Ducker, S.C. (1984e), Harvey, William Henry, in J. Kerr (ed.), Dictionary of Australian Artists, pp. 340-341. Power Institute of Fine Arts, Sydney.
Ducker, S.C. (1985a), James Fleming: the first gardener on the River Yarra, Victoria, J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 13: 123-140.
Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1985b), Pollen and pollination: A historical review, Taxon 34: 401-419.
Ducker, S.C. (1986a), Glasshouses in the System Garden, Staff News, The University of Melbourne, 14(7).
Ducker, S.C. (1986b), History of the Botany School, in P.M. Attiwill (ed.), School of Botany, The University of Melbourne, vol. 1, General information, pp. 2.1-2.7. The University of Melbourne, [Melbourne].
Ducker, S.C. (1986c), Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare, in B. Nairn & G. Serle (eds), Dictionary of Australian Biography, vol. 10, pp. 163-4. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1986d), The system garden of Melbourne University, Austral. Gard. J. 5: 160-5.
Ducker, S.C. & Knox, R.B. (1986e), Pollen and people, in D.L. Mulcahy, C.B. Mulcahy & E. Ottaviano (eds) Biotechnology and Ecology of Pollen: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Biotechnology and Ecology of Pollen, 9-11 July 1985 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, M.A., U.S.A., pp. 399-404. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Ducker, S.C. (1988a), Dr Ethel McLennan, in H. Radi (ed.), Two Hundred Australian Women, pp. 174-5. Womens Redress Press, Broadway, NSW.
Ducker, S.C. (1988b), The Contented Botanist: Letters of W. H. Harvey about Australia and the Pacific. Letters of W.H. Harvey about Australia and the Pacific. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1990a), Early Austrian influence on Australian botany, in P.S. Short (ed.), History of Systematic Botany in Australasia, pp. 297-304. Australian Systematic Botany Society Inc., Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1990b), History of Australian marine phycology, in M.N. Clayton & R.J. King (eds), Biology of Marine Plants, pp. 415-30. Longman Cheshire, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1991b), Ronald Campbell Gunns visit to Port Phillip in 1836, in M.R. Banks, S.J. Smith, A.E. Orchard & G. Kantvilas (eds), Aspects of Tasmanian Botany - A tribute to Winifred Curtis, pp. 201-212. Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart.
Ducker, S.C. (1992a), Harvey, William Henry, in J. Kerr (ed.), The Dictionary of Australian Artists, p. 351. Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (1992b), Lesueur, Charles-Alexandre, in J. Kerr (ed.), The Dictionary of Australian artists, pp. 463-464. Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Ashton, D.H. & Ducker, S.C. (1993), John Stewart Turner 1908-1991, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 9: 279-290.
Ducker, S.C. (1995b), Knip, Antoinette Pauline Jacqueline Rifer de Courcelles, in J. Kerr (ed.), Heritage: The National Womens Art Book, pp. 163, 384. G + B Arts International Limited. An Art & Australia Book, Australia.
Ducker, S.C. (1995c), McLennan, Ethel Irene, in J. Kerr (ed.) Heritage: The National Womens Art Book, pp. 178-9, 400. G + B Arts International Limited. An Art & Australia Book, Australia.
Ducker, S.C. (1995d), W.H. Harvey in New South Wales. Letters by the phycologist W.H. Harvey, written in New South Wales in 1855, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 115: 213-223.
Ducker, S.C. (1995e), Edward Duyker and Per Tingbrand (eds & transl.), Daniel Solander: Collected correspondence 1753-1782. Melbourne: The Miegunyah Press, 1995 Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 10: 411-412. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (1996a), Ethel Irene McLennan, an Australian mycological pioneer, in Mycology, First Meeting of the Australasian Mycological Society Inc. Program and Abstracts, p. 14. Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. [Abstract.]
Ducker, S.C. (1996b), Melbournes pride and glory: 150 years at the Royal Botanic Gardens. Melbourne: Royal Historical Society of Victoria, being a special issue of the Victorian Historical Journal, vol. 67, no. 1, 1996, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 11: 272-274. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (1998a), Karen Twigg, A vision shared: The Maud Gibson Trust 1945-1995. Melbourne: The Maud Gibson Trust, 1996, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 12: 131-132. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (1998b), Edward Duyker, Natures Argonaut: Daniel Solander 1733-1782: Naturalist and voyager with Cook and Banks. Melbourne: The Miegunyah Press, 1998, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 12: 272-273. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (1999a), Honouring women scientists: Dr Sophie Ducker, School of Botany Newslett. December: 4-5.
Ducker, S.C. (1999b), Botanical history of the floral emblems of Australia, The University of Melbourne Library Journal: 25-9.
Ducker, S.C. (1999c), R.W. Home, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora and J.H. Voigt (eds), Regardfully yours: Selected correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, Volume 1: 1840-1859. Bern: Peter Lang, 1998, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 12: 537-539. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (2000), Alex S. George, William Dampier in New Holland: Australias first natural historian. Hawthorn: Blooming Books, 1999. William Dampier, A new voyage round the world: The journal of an English buccaneer. London: Hummingbird Press, 1998, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 13: 87-89. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (2001a), Story of Gum Leaf Painting. The University of Melbourne, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (2001b), Ray Desmond, Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, traveller and plant collector. London: Antique Collectors Club with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, 1999. William T. Stearn (ed.), John Lindley, 1799-1865, gardener-botanist and pioneer orchidologist, Bicentenary Celebration Volume. London: Antique Collectors Club in association with the Royal Horticultural Society, Kew, 1999, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 13: 359-361. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (2001c), Tony Rice, Voyages of discovery: Three centuries of natural history exploration. With an introduction by David Bellamy. The natural History Museum, London and Scriptum Editions, 2000, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 13: 363-364. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (2001d), Ann Moyal, Platypus: The extraordinary story of how a curious creature baffled the world. Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 2001, Hist. Rec. Austral. Sci. 13: 532. [Review.]
Ducker, S.C. (2002a), Fleming, James, in R. Aitken & M. Looker (eds), The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens, pp. 221-222. Australian Garden History Society & Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (2002b), Hannaford, Samuel, in R. Aitken & M. Looker (eds), The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens, pp. 288-289. Australian Garden History Society, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. (2002c), Harvey, William Henry, in R. Aitken & M. Looker (eds), The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens, p. 290. Australian Garden History Society, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Ducker, S.C. & Jenkin, J. (2002d) Wood, Edward James Ferguson, in J. Ritchie & D. Langmore (eds), Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 16, 1940-1980, p. 577. Melbourne University Press, Carlton.
Cowan, R.A. & Ducker, S.C. (to appear in 2005), A brief history of systematic phycology in Australia, in Algae of Australia: Introduction. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra.
Source: ASBS Newsletter,
No.120, September 2004. writen by Sara Maroske and Tom May, Royal Botanic
Gardens Melbourne