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Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria |
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[date* = botanical illustration included, F = family, G = genus, S = species, SS = subspecies, V = variety, N = nom. nov. ]
1966. Riccardia argento-limbata Hewson & Grolle, and Riccardia robbinsii Hewson & Grolle, in Grolle,R. Lebermoose aus Neu Guinea. 2. J.Hattori Bot. Lab. 22 : 70-74. [2S]
1970*. The family Aneuraceae in Australia and New Guinea: I. The genus Aneura , Proc. Linnean Soc. New South Wales 94(2) : 173-193, pl.XI, XII. [7S 2V]
1970*. The family Aneuraceae in Australia and New Guinea: II The genus Riccardia , Proc. Linnean Soc. New South Wales 95(1) : 60-121, pl.II-V. [18S 2V]
1973. Sexual Dimorphism in Haplomitrium intermedium , Proc. Linnean Soc. New South Wales 98(1) : 29-34.
1975-1977*. Illustrations in National Parks Association Bulletin 13 (1-4), 14 (1-4), 15 (1).
1976*. (Unpublished) The Family Brassicaceae in Australia . 158p. 7 figs. This work was prepared as a sample treatment of a Family for the Flora of Australia . It was widely distributed to taxonomists and taxonomic institutions in Australia to be used as a tool for decisions on format for the publication of Flora of Australia .
1977*. Illustration in Rambles around Canberra by A.J.Mortlock & G.Loghlin. ANU Press, Canberra.
1979*. Illustrations in Surveying Australia's Plants and Animals, Ecos 21 : 30.
1979. Book Review: Botanists of the Eucalypts by Norman Hall Brunonia 2(1) : 172-173.
1979*. Illustration in L.G.Adams, A review of the genus Solenogyne (Asteraceae) in Australia and New Zealand, Brunonia 2(1) : 43-66.
1981. Sphaerocarpales in Australia, The Bryologist 84(3) : 368-369.
1981*. The genus Lepidium L. (Brassicaceae) in Australia, Brunonia 4(2) : 217-308. [9S]
1981*. With R.C.Carolin, Brassicaceae in Flora of Central Australia (ed. J.P.Jessop) 94-102. Reed, Sydney.
1981. Review: Inflorescence Workshop. Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsl . 28:11-12.
1982. Flower Paintings of Ellis Rowan Introduction by M.Hazzard; notes on the plates by H.Hewson. 17-20, pl.1-20. National Library, Canberra.
1982*. Vandiemeniaceae: A new family in the Metzgeriales, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 52 : 163-165. (Also presented as a posterpaper at the International Botanical Congress, Sydney, 1981.) [1F 1G 1S]
1982. Capparaceae, Flora of Australia 8 : 207-231, 388-389. [2S 1V]
1982*. Brassicaceae, Flora of Australia 8 : 231-357, 390-392. [1G 5S 1N]
1982*. Irenepharsus , a new genus in Brassicaceae in Australia, J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 6(1) : 1-4.
1982*. The genus Lepidium L. (Brassicaceae) in New Guinea, Brunonia 5 : 73-78. [1S]
1983. Cruciferae in Flowering Plants in Australia (eds B.D.Morley & H.R.Toelken) 102-106. Rigby, Adelaide.
1984*. Alangiaceae, Flora of Australia 22 : 11-13.
1984. Santalaceae p.p. with A.S.George, Flora of Australia 22 : 43-48, 49-59, 221. [1S]
1984. Balanophoraceae, Flora of Australia 22 : 146-147.
1984*. Cardiopteridaceae, Flora of Australia 22 : 212-213.
1984*. Dichapetalaceae, Flora of Australia 22 : 216-219.
1984. Phytolaccaceae, Flora of Australia 4 : 1-5.
1984*. Nyctaginaceae p.p. with R.D.Meikle, Flora of Australia 4 : 5-18, 318-319. [4S]
1985*. Melianthaceae, Flora of Australia 25 : 1-2.
1985*. Akaniaceae, Flora of Australia 25 : 2-4.
1985. Aceraceae, Flora of Australia 25 : 164-165.
1985*. Burseraceae, Flora of Australia 25 : 165-170, 202. [1V]
1985*. Simaroubaceae, Flora of Australia 25 : 188-196.
1986*. Hanguanaceae, Flora of Australia 46 : 172-173.
1986*. Taccaceae, Flora of Australia 46 : 174-176.
1986*. Cruciferae in Fl. South Australia 4th edn, 1 : 375-417.
1986. The family Aneuraceae in Australia and Papua New Guinea: Cytogeography, in Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia (ed. B.A.Barlow) 357-381.
1987*. Liliaceae p.p. with numerous authors, Flora of Australia 45 : 193-194, 232-236, 242, 350-353, 355-356, 358-360, 368-376, 379-380, 383-384, 404, 418-419.
1988. Plant Indumentum: A Handbook of Terminology, Austral. Fl. & Fauna Series 9 : 1-27.
1989. Book Review: The Contented Botanist by S.C.Ducker (ed.), ASBS Newsletter 59 : 31-32.
1989. Hamamelidaceae, Flora of Australia 3 : 1-4.
1989. Ulmaceae, Flora of Australia 3 : 4-13, 190.
1989. Betulaceae, Flora of Australia 3 : 96.
1989. Fagaceae, Flora of Australia 3 : 97-100.
1989. Exhibition Review: Flora - The Art of Botany National Library of Australia in association with Australian National Herbarium, CSIRO. ASBS Newsletter 60 : 41.
1989. Text to accompany c. 40 plant plates in The Hunter Sketchbook ed. J.Calaby, ( p.p. ). National
Library, Canberra.
1990. Book Review: The Australian National Dictionary: Australian Words and their Origins ed. W.S.Ramson. ASBS Newsletter 62 : 17.
1990. Sonneratiaceae, Flora of Australia 18 : 87-91(1990).
1990*. Lythraceae p.p. less Rotala , Flora of Australia 18 : 81-92, 97-113. [3S, 1SS]
1990. Lepidium in P.S.Green, Notes relating to the Floras of Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands, III. Kew Bulletin 45(2) : 235-255 (237-238). [1S]
1992. E.Nielsen & H.Hewson, The National Collection and its Effective Management Australian Biologist ) 5(1) : 105-106.
1993. Exec. Ed. & Sci. Ed., Oceanic Islands 2, Flora of Australia 50 : 1-606, i-xxvi.
1995. Macadamias, drumsticks & geebungs Conservation Australia 1 : 20-21; reprinted in Nothofagus 4 : 20-21 (1995).
1995. Sphalmium , Neorites in, Flora of Australia 16 : 342-343, 352-353.
1995. A.J.Wilson, H.J.Hewson & J.Mowatt, Lomatia in, Flora of Australia 16 : 374-382.
1997. Biodiversity Loss Australasian Science 18(1) : 25-27.
1999. Images of Australian Plants Flora of Australia 1 : 467-473.
1999. Worlds Apart: the flowers in Australia, the artists in Europe Australian Garden History 11 : 24.
1999. Australia: 300 Years of Botanical Illustration . CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
2002. Brunonia Australis . Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Canberra. [Pamphlet, Ltd edn, 51pp]
2002. Book Review: The Genus Clematis by Magnus Johnson. A.S.B.S. Newsletter 12:17-18.
2002. Contributions in The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens (R.Aitken & M.Looker eds), 97-98, 258-259, 442-443, 462, 504, 518, 564, 632. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne.
2003. Chapters 10, 11 & 12 in NR.Clark, A Dog Called Blue WriteLight/N.R.Clark, Wallacia. 102-147.
2004. Essay and captions in 2004 Calendars - Ferdinand Bauer and Pierre Redouteé
2004. First Find Your Plant: The fist three decades of Australian plants in Britain - some observations . Gardens for Pleasure. Plants for Survival (Conference papers, Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra. 43-56.
Family: 1
Genera: 2
Species: 54
Subspecific taxa: 7
Jungermannia hewsoniae Amakawa & Grolle, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 21 : 108 (1968).
Plagiochila hewsoniana Inoue & Grolle, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 36 : 494 (1972).
Fossombronia hewsonii G.A.M.Scott & D.C.Pike, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 62 : 375 (1987).
Cassinia hewsoniae Orchard, Aust Syst Bot. 17 : 511 (2004).