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Australian National Botanic Gardens |
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A weekly news sheet prepared by a Gardens' volunteer.
Numbers in square brackets [ ] refer to garden bed Sections.
Plants in flower are in bold type.
16 May 2008
So relaxing it is to walk in these Gardens in autumn so come enjoy this walk. Notice the small dark red flowers edging the lateral branches of the Sheoak, Allocasuarina littoralis [Section 172] at the base of the car park stairs. Edging Banks Walk Banksia ‘Birthday Candles’ [Section 172, 210] is a dwarf shrub alight with cylindrical upright golden flower spikes. (Many banksias are now in flower through the gardens). Woollsia pungens [Section 174] is an erect shrub with upright stems clad with short sharp leaves and tips crowded with tiny white flowers. On the other side of the seat Epacris impressa [Section 174] is somewhat similar with short deep pink tube flowers edging the branches. Prostanthera phylicifolia [Section 210] continues to bear mauve flowers over the shrub which falls down the rock wall. Around the corner Crowea ‘Festival’ [Section 174] bears its lovely pink star flowers over the small shrub.
Following the Main Path starting at the far end of the café building, Leptospermum squarrosum [Section 12] is an upright shrub crowned with pink open flowers amid the green foliage. Astartea ‘Winter Pink’ [Section 10] has tiny pink flowers edging the branches of the open shrub while, at its base, a dwarf shrub, Hypocalymma longifolium [Section 10] with branches dense with fluffy deep pink flowers. From the left hand path bottlebrushes, Callistemon citrinus [Section 9] are large shrubs clad in profusion with their crimson coloured flowers. Returning to the Main Path where Banksia ericifolia var.ericifolia [Section 30] is a large spreading shrub flowing with long golden flower spikes. Almost opposite, the Oak-leaved Dryandra, Dryandra quercifolia [Section 30] crowded towards the path, has large yellow fluffy flowers amid the sharp tooth leaves. Around the left corner Callistemon ‘White Anzac’ [Section 30] continues to bear its white bottlebrush flowers.
Banksias are many edging the Main Path, including the prostrate form of Banksia integrifolia var. integrifolia [Section 30] with lemon flower spikes rising from the dense silver backed foliage, Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa [Section 27] yet a small shrub picturesque with its crown of golden flower spikes with dark styles, behind which is Banksia paludosa var. astrolux [Section 27] a taller shrub with its bronze coloured flower spikes about its base.
At the next intersection follow the small path to view Grevillea rosmarinifolia [Section 27], a small sprawling shrub with single yellow curved flowers. Banksia integrifolia subsp. compare [Section 27] is large with long lateral branches attractive with lemon flower spikes.
At the next corner Grevillea floribunda subsp. floribunda [Section 26] is a neat open shrub conspicuous with its pendulous tan coloured flowers. Almost opposite are numerous correas including Correa ‘Black Range’ [Section 112] with pendulous tubular red flowers with pale green mouth and Correa ‘Pink Lips’ [Section 112] a longer tubular red flower with green mouth and long protruding styles. At a higher corner Correa pulchella [Section 112] is a small dense shrub with soft pink tubular flowers. Over the road a group of Crowea saligna [Section 191h] is eye-catching with the dense shrub clad with bright pink star flowers. Returning, it is well finding the Pincushion Hakea, Hakea laurina [Section 20] a tall shrub with golf ball size globular red flower heads with protruding cream styles.
A most pleasant walk … Barbara Daly.