Australian National Botanic Gardens
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In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteer |
19 December 1997
Overlooking the colourful plants in a pot outside the Visitors Centre doors is Eucalyptus eximia. Although not in flower, its juvenile leaves are dark red with a tint of green, making a most attractive plant. Along Banks Walk, Scaevola aemula [Section 212, 210] spreads its branches exhibiting its attractive purple-blue fan shaped flowers. Pelargonium rodneyanum [Section 174] in the Display Garden bears magenta flowers above the leafy foliage. Edging the Rainforest Gully, Cuttsia viburnea [Section 125] is covered with sprays of perfumed, white flowers. Kangaroo paws are now in flower throughout the Gardens. Anigozanthos flavidus [Section 126] bears pinkish coloured flowers and behind, flowers coloured orange-red on longer stems are seen. Bottlebrushes are almost past flowering, however Callistemon montanus [Section 124] still presents squat red flowers on an open shrub.
Continue up to the Rock Garden which contains many colourful plants including the grey, almost white Leucophyta brownii `Cape le Grande' [Section 15S]. The floral emblem of the ACT, Royal Bluebell Wahlenbergia gloriosa [Section 15L] has large, dark blue flowers on upright stems.
Looking towards the Rainforest Gully, see Grevillea robusta [Sections 16, 105] a large tree lit with large, golden toothbrush-like flowers ... resembles a mighty Christmas tree.
Cross the Eucalypt Lawn to this garden which represents part of the Sydney Flora plantings. Hibbertia diffusa [Section 44] is a dense, round, ground hugging plant sparkling with yellow flowers, Goodenia decurrens [Section 44] presenting its yellow flowers along upright spikes and Epacris sp. aff. impressa [Section 44], Victoria's floral emblem, has pendant, tubular, red flowers on long, spindly branches. Actinotus helianthi [Section 44], Flannel Flower,bears its lovely velvety flowers on long, upright stems and Chloanthes parviflora [Section 44] with short, upright branches densely covered with wrinkly, dark green leaves almost hiding its pale green, wide mouthed, tubular flowers. Across the road is Cassinia aureo-nitens [Section 191] with showy bright yellow flower-heads atop long swaying branches. Pass under the branches of Eucalyptus curtisii [Section100] resplendent with soft, lacy white flowers and step into a sample of arid inland Australia, complete with red soils and many daisies. These include the showy Brachyscome iberidifolia [Section 100] Swan River Daisy, with colours of deep purple, light mauve and white flowers, Rhodanthe floribunda [Section 100], bearing tiny white daisies with yellow centres on low cushion-like plants and Rhodanthe chlorocephala var. rosea [Section 100] with small pink flowers.
Christmas Greetings to all ...
Barbara Daly
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