Australian National Botanic Gardens
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In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteer |
25 September 1998
Because it is spring the floral display throughout the Gardens is all so picturesque. The flowers on this walk are seen in the Sydney Region Flora area. Along the path to this area, admire Grevillea `Poorinda Queen' [Section 124] which bears apricot coloured flowers on a spreading shrub, Grevillea sericea [Section 117] which bears terminal flowers coloured deep mauve on an open, upright shrub and Hovea acutifolia [Section 4] an erect, well manicured shrub coloured with deep purple pea-shaped flowers.
Wander along this path to the lower end of the Sydney Region Gully to view the beautiful Boronia muelleri [Section 191] clad with pale pink star-like flowers. Nearby Bossiaea scolopendria [Section 191] has scrambling, flattened, leafless branches with yellow and brown pea-shaped flowers on very short stalks. Across the road is Calothamnus quadrifidus [Section 194], Common Net Bush, with fine, grey- green foliage and red one-sided flower spikes attached to the lower branches.
Taking the narrow path, the sweetly perfumed Logania albiflora [Section 191], near the stream, has sprays of tiny white flowers. Nearby Hibbertia scandens [Section 191] with bright yellow flowers, twines around and about the shrubbery. Opposite, Micromyrtus ciliata [Section 191] has arching branches clustered with tiny, white flowers. Eriostemon scaber subsp. latifolius [Section 191] is a small shrub which looks splendid with a profusion of pink buds and white star-like flowers. Nearby Zieria sp. aff. laevigata [Section 191] shows off its small, pink flowers while, on the gully side of the path, Pultenaea stipularis [Section 191] glows yellow with pea-shaped flowers. Also with pea-shaped flowers coloured yellow and orange, Bossiaea lenticularis [Section 191] is a straggly shrub with tiny rounded leaves along its reddish branches. Hibbertia dentata [Section 191 with cheery yellow flowers makes an excellent ground cover for its trailing branches hug the ground below the trees.
Opposite the descending stairs, Acacia ulicifolia [Section 191] is an open shrub with brilliant yellow flower balls. Time to sit, for the Crimson Rosellas could be bathing in the stream below. Enjoy the calls of the Red Wattlebirds and the Kookaburras. The clusters of woolly yellow flowers seen across the stream are those of Pomaderris intermedia [Section 191]. Admire the large fronds of the tree ferns, Dicksonia antarctica [Section 191], and the waratah, Telopea speciosissima [Section 191] with its renowned and beautiful flowers just opening. At the cross-roads, Boronia thujona [Section 191] is a lovely small shrub clad with pretty pink four-petalled flowers ... and still other plants to see ...
Really a great area.
Barbara Daly.
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