A-I, Zygodon obtusifolius. A, Dry plant with mature capsule. B, Stem leaf. C, Perichaetial leaf. D, T.S. of leaf. E, Upper laminal cells. F, Basal laminal cells. G, Gemmae. H, Capsule with calyptra. I, Capsule with operculum (Bay of Islands, NZ, 1841, C [Figs A-D, E-I]; S.Berggren 1029, C [Fig D]). J-Q, Z. minutus. J, Dry male plant (right) and female plant with capsule. K, Perichaetial leaf. L, Stem leaf. M, T.S. of leaf. N, Upper laminal cells. O, Basal laminal cells. P, Capsule with peristome. Q, Gemmae (Hodgson, Musci NZ Exicc. 21, BM [Fig J left]; Moore 605, CHR [Figs J right, K,L]; J.Lewinsky 1901, C [Figs M-O]; J.Beevers s.n. CHR [Fig P]; J.E.Beever et al. s.n. CHR [Fig Q]). R-Z, Z. gracillimus. R, Dry female plant bearing capsule (left) and male plant (right); S, T.S. of leaf. T, Stem leaf. U, Perichaetial leaf. V, Upper laminal cells. W, Basal laminal cells. X, Capsule with calyptra. Y, Capsule with operculum. Z, Gemmae (K.W. Allison 3466, CHR [Figs R left,V]; K.W.Allison 6734, CHR [Figs R right,Z]; S.Berggren 2343 WELT [Fig S]; K.W. Allison 3472, CHR [Figs T,U]; K.W.Allison 98, CHR [Figs X,Y]). AA-FF, Z. menziesii. AA, Plants bearing capsules. BB, Stem leaves. CC, T.S. of leaf. DD, Basal laminal cells. EE, Gemmae. FF, Upper laminal cells (A.Fife 5086, CHR [Figs AA,FF]; J.E.Beever, CHR 406735 [Figs BB,CC]; J.Lewinsky 1930, C [Fig DD]; G.O.K.Sainsbury 5215, WELT [Fig EE]). Scale bars: 1 mm for habit, capsules and leaves; 100 ?m for cellular drawings.
Illustrators: D. Mackay
Flora of Australia Vol 51 figure 30