Caption: A, B, Plants. C?F, Stem and perichaetial leaves. G, Lower stem leaf and cells. H, Lower perichaetial leaf (leaf C) and cells. I, Cells of apical region of leaf subula. J, Marginal cells of perichaetial leaf (leaf E) from insertion to lobed shoulder region of leaf. K, L, Leaf and costal sections from upper sheathing part of leaves. M, Leaf section near insertion; costa absent. N, Stem section. O, Exothecial cells from near capsule mouth. P, Exothecial cells from mid-capsule. Q, Stoma from base of urn. R, Section of seta. S, T, Axillary hairs. U, V, Cells of persistent protonema forming dense mass (U) and arising from tip of rhizoid (V). NSW: Nimbin, Falls Road, property of N.Osborne, A.J.Downing, N.Osborne, K.D.Downing s.n. (NSW; Macquarie Univ. Herbarium)Illustrators: R.D. Seppelt
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