Caption: Nesaea . A-C , N. crinipes . A , bud; B , inflorescence; C , 1/4 of open flower (A-C , T.Henshall 1591, DNA). D-F , N. striatiflora . D , inflorescence (K.Kenneally 4748, PERTH); E , spent flower; F , 1/5 of open flower (E-F , G.Keighery 4729, PERTH). G-I , N. repens . G , inflorescence; H , spent flower; I , 1/6 of open flower (G-I , Mount House, W.A., C.Gardner, PERTH). J-L , N. muelleri . J , inflorescence (K.Kenneally 6201, PERTH); K , spent flower; L , 1/6 of open flower (K-L , Y.Power 327, PERTH). M-O , N. arnhemica . M , inflorescence; N , spent flower; O , 1/6 of open flower (M-O , W.Leutert 33, PERTH).Illustrators: H.Hewson.
Flora of Australia Volume 18 figure 34.