Caption: A-D . Acacia wiseana . A , flowering branchlet; B , node with phyllode and stipules: C , pod; D , seed (A-B , B.Maslin 5581, PERTH; C , H.Demarz D5529, PERTH; D , A.Ashby 4636, PERTH). E-H . Acacia flagelliformis . E , flowering branchlets; F , portion of stem (inflorescence removed) with reduced phyllodia and stipule; G , pod; H , seed (E-F , E.Dell, June 1929, PERTH; G-H , F.Went 52, PERTH). I-K . Acacia scleroclada . I , flowering branchlet; J , pod; K , seed (I , B.Maslin 3618, PERTH; J-K , A.Mitchell 838, PERTH). L-O . Acacia restiacea . L , flowering branchlet; M , inflorescence bract; N , pod; O , seed (L , E.Bennett 683, PERTH; M , R.Cranfield 7806 & P.Spencer, PERTH; N-O , H.Demarz D6362, PERTH).Illustrators: A-D, I-O M.Pieroni. E-H B.Maslin.
Flora of Australia Volume 11a (2001) figure 49.